At Island Kiddie Kampus, we practice Tummy Time!
What is tummy time?
Tummy time is an opportunity for infants to develop their muscles while playing on their tummy.
Why is tummy time important for infants?
Babies need tummy time to develop strong muscles. It prepares babies for the time when they will be able to slide on their bellies and crawl.
Our infants receive individual attention from our warm and caring teachers who communicate with smiles and other nonverbal behavior, and also talk with them so that infants start to recognize and understand words.
Our teachers quickly respond to our infants’ cries or other signs of distress by providing physical comfort and needed care. They are sensitive to our infants’ various signals and learn to read their individual cries.
Emotional Development
- Laughing out loud
- Smile spontaneously
- Discriminate strangers from familiar people
- Establish and maintain eye contact
- Food preference
- Recognizes own image in a mirror
Social Development
- Imitate behaviors of others
- Reacts to familiar persons/objects
- Enjoys simple social games
- Gives and receives affection
Physical Development
Gross Motor
- Sits with assistance and independently
- Bounce while sitting/standing
- Holds head erect
- Rolls over
- Crawl, kneel, climb
- Pull self up to standing position
- Stands alone
- Creeps/walks by hanging onto furniture
- Slides/scoots in various directions
- Walks with assistance
Fine Motor
- Tracks an object visually
- Reaches for objects
- Transfer objects and look at them
- Bangs/pounds objects
- Holds a cup
- Watches movement of own hand
- Grasps rattles/toys
- Hold objects and look at them
Cognitive Development
- Reacts to the presentation of an object or toy
- Turns to look for a dropped item
- Uncovers a hidden toy
- Uses noise-making toys in a purposeful manner
- Enjoys placing objects in and out of containers
- Reacts to music
- Looks at pictures in a book
- Looks in the proper place for an object when it has rolled out of sight
- Responds to own name
- Responds to a sound by turning to source
- Establishes eye contact with staff
- Babbles and coos
- Jabbers with expression
- Smiles when approached by others
- Imitates language sounds
- Uses single words
- Comprehends “no”
- Waves “bye”